April 5, 2015 / ENGAGEMENT
Erin and Casey | Engagement Photographers| Orlando Weddings
I (Erin) was in the last year of college and Casey had a year to go. Being the president of the Student Chapter of ABC (Associated Builders and Contractors), I was responsible for raising money in order for our club to participate in the annual, national competition, SO…what better way to raise money than to host a golf tournament. After completing the roster for the tournament, we had a few open spots for student to fill. All the club members were already participating so I asked everyone to reach out to friends in our field of study to see if anyone would be interested in playing golf for free. On the day of the tournament the roster was full and I was so happy, I had to celebrate with a morning brew or two – ‘SUCCESS!’ I thought to myself. After giving a short speech to the participants, I looked around for my partnering student – no where to be found. I asked the club member who had recruited this student and he said, “I called him, he’s on his way.” As I stew, thinking, “who is this student, who gets a opportunity to play free golf with industry professionals, get a free lunch and has the audacity to be late to a shot-gun start!?!” As the first round of carts go out, a dark haired, hungover student comes runbling (running and stumbling) to the last open spot – my cart. As he apologizes, I just ask him to hurry up and get in. As the day rolled on and the drinks flowed, my grudge slowly faded. He holed out from 80 yards that day (which is amazing) and little did I know, that was going to be the man I was going to marry in 10 years.
– Erin’s version 😉
Erin doesn’t remember.
– Casey’s version
To clarify, we started dating in 2012 after we became good friends while working on the same project – Nemours Children’s Hospital.